Survive Courses




Sector studies Survival and Orientation Techniques  Our Courses are held mainly to ‘open air with the ‘ help of Qualified Technicians and organizations
on the territory of the sector.



Knowledge and tactics needed , using a map and compass to move safely on land and environments completely new , always know your location, be able to identify the best path to reach a predetermined goal or a target .
To achieve these goals , we must be able to read a map
and learn about the use of the compass


It teaches us to survive to those who find yourself in an unfavorable situation in a hostile environment and in dangerous circumstances , with few resources .

It teaches us to resolve the unfavorable situations relying solely on their own strength 

Why learn the rules of survival ?

- To learn to know ourselves.
- To get more ‘ confidence in our media .
- To learn new things.
- To find us at ease with nature.
- To be able to foresee the dangers .
- To know what to do in any situation environmental and climate .
- To know the limits of your body and mind .
- To overcome their fears .


And ‘ the set of actions that allow you to help one or more’ people in need, pending the arrival of the rescue qualified . It is intended for first aid assistance that is given also in temporary structures in the presence of critical situations , waiting to transport the patient in health centers more ‘ equipped.


Predominantly take place on weekends in parks , adventure parks , City
Participants will be able to achieve various levels of experience , so ‘ specified :
Basic Level – Advanced Level – Level Expert



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